Michael's Plan

Source Notes:

Title: Problems Confronting the Brotherhood
Document: Some Problems Confronting a New Religious Organization
Author: Certain members of the General Council [compiled by William S. Sadler, Jr. (note 1)]
Date: March 7, 1955
Revelators: Revelatory Commission
All content is alleged to originate with revelators’ admonitions and recommendations, “from certain wise comments and advices which have been gathered over the years.“ (note 1) (note 2)
Provided By: The text of this memo is on the Fellowship’s website at http://urantiabook.org/archive/history/doc332.htm
Copy Status: This document is a scan of a conformed copy of a carbon copy of the original memo. This scan is attached as a PDF file.
Provenance: This memorandum was produced for the files of the Executive Committee of Urantia Brotherhood. A copy of this paper was inserted into the secretary’s notebook of each standing committee of the Brotherhood. Officers and Committee chairmen received copies, as well as Trustees of Urantia Foundation. Copy obtained from surviving committee records.
Authentication: Evidentiary

This paper was entered as evidence into a deposition in a Federal District court case in 1994.


Note 1: “’Some Problems Concerning A New Religious Organization’, dated and read to the Forum on March 7, 1955, by Bill Sadler, is a compilation of messages. I don't know the dates of the messages from which he drew. Some of them were also read to us several years later. This is the one that emphasizes having one official organization. It doesn't have the phrase, ‘One Brotherhood,’ but that's what the early leaders always quoted the revelators as saying." Carolyn Kendall 12/24/2007

Note 2: See “Julia K. Fenderson, March 31, 1982” letter for additional confirmation of the reading of revelator communications to the Forum.